Flexigraf® Unigraph® graphite based sheets specifically designed for refineries, chemical and petrochemical plant, power generation industries
Planichem Srl presents FLEXIGRAF Range: family of graphite products, specifically for refineries, chemical and petrochemical plants and power stations.
Planichem Srl is a market leader company in the processing of PTFE, graphite and all the main asbestos-free materials used for the production of gasketing materials, gaskets and semi finished products with high technical value. As a result, FMI is currently able to provide a catalogue with a wide range of products all of high quality.
FMI developed two graphite based product lines: FLEXIGRAF® and UNIGRAPH®.

Graphite is one of the most commonly used material for the construction of static and dynamic gaskets.
The main application areas for these seals are the refining, chemical-petrochemical and power generation industries.

Troughout the years FMI has developed its graphite lamination plant reaching the result to offer a diversified portfolio of finished products and different grades of graphite (FMI offers graphite with different purity, sulfur, cloride and alogens content, different levels of oxidation and corrosion inhibitors).
FLEXIGRAF® is the range of products based on high purity graphite laminate reinforced with stainless steel, nickel, aluminium, and many other materials. This product family is particularly suitable for the sealing of saturated steam at high temperature and of aggressive non-oxidising chemical agents, up to 650° C and pressures of 200 bar.
These materials have been specifically designed to withstand critical service conditions in presence of high temperature and pressure and aggressive chemicals.
When the technical specifications require higher resistance the multilayer version of FLEXIGRAF®, named MULTIFLEX®, allows to withstand pressure up to 300 bar.
The second product family, named UNIGRAPH®, is based on high purity graphite compressed and coated with special technopolymers to withstand high temperatures. This product family offers exceptional ease of processing and cutting and thanks to the polymer coating the antistick performances are enhanced.
FLEXIGRAF® and UNIGRAPH® comprise 9 different references suitable for application involving aggressive non-oxidising agents up to 650°C and pressure of 300 bar.

Please find below some of the most important characteristcs of finished products:
- Pressure: min. 100 bar (FGS1200) max 300 bar (MULTIFLEX, MULTIFLEX HPT).
- Temperature: min. -200°C max: + 650°C
FLEXIGRAF® and UNIGRAPH® products are certified:
Planichem Srl is market leader company, specialised in the processing of PTFE, graphite and all the main asbestos-free materials used for the production of gasketing materials, gaskets and semi finished products with high technical value.