Organisational Model Legislative Decree 231/2001
FMI SPA has adopted the Organisational Model in compliance with Legislative Decree n. 231/2001. The Model represents a set of general conduct principles, procedures and rules put in place to prevent and combat the fulfillment of the crimes provided by the same decree in the activities of those who work on behalf of FMI SPA.
The reports of presumed violations of this Model must be sent to the Supervisory Board, in writing only, to the following email address
The reports should contain:
- The report of the observed violation of the Model
- The identity of the alleged person responsible for the violation
- The identity of the person responsible for the report
Anonymous resports will be disregarded by the Supervisory Board.
In the management procedure of the reports by the Supevisory Board, the privacy policy will be respected in order to the both subjects, the alleged person responsible for the violation and the promoter of report.
The Organisational Model is available on request.
Here attached Ethical model and Disciplinary Sistem.